I'm an aunt!!!

I love this church. It's absolutely amazing.
The ring exchange. Also...you can see Colin's super-cool shoes in this photo.
The happy couple with Christina's grandmother
Colin's family
The wedding party
In front of the church
The cocktail hour was in this really cool rotunda at Alverno
More baseball-related details
See what I mean about the cool cakes?
Colin's dad was his best man. I think that's so cool. My brother had our dad as his best man, too. It's gotta' be such a great feeling to know your son considers you his best friend.
A very funny maid of honor speech
Colin joking with Christina's parents during his speech
Christina's dad toasting the couple
Christina & Colin had company on the dancefloor during their first dance. I just love kids in their pajamas on the dancefloor. It cracks me up.
Mother-son dance
One of the younger single ladies catching the bouquet
The DJ made Colin do some dancing before he let him remove Christina's garter.
The garter mid-air
Outside Alverno as I was leaving the reception. There was a gorgeous moon that night.
Anne getting some help from her sisters.Anne wore Matt's grandmother's pearl necklace. Her future mother-in-law helped her put it on.
Anne's mom and sister helping her with her train.
Anne and her dad were so cute!
Speaking of cute...check out Anne and Matt during the ceremony. They look so happy!
The church is gorgeous.
Anne's family
Matt's entire family
The wedding party. See what I mean about the fun shoes? So cool!
The wedding party walked from the church to the Marcus Center, just a few blocks away. There were quite a few people honking horns and wishing the couple well.
We stopped and took this along the sidewalk. Aren't they adorable?
This is one of those reflections that just doesn't make any sense to me, but it looks really cool. The building reflected is north of this building, and the windows it's reflected in are curving to the south. I seriously don't get it. Maybe one of my engineer friends can explain it to me. I just know it's a cool background for a photo.
The cocktail hour was along the windows facing this little courtyard, and there were tables set up for guests to sit outside. It was a beautiful day, and this is the view from the courtyard.
This little boy was playing hard-to-get, but she was pretty persistent.
The fabulous ring bearer and his dad.
Anne and her friends from Texas.
Kris helping her sister with a slight wardrobe issue.
The other speech-givers and their ring leader (who made a speech of her own later).
The cakes were absolutely gorgeous (and I love that ceiling).
A huge stuffed camel made an appearance. It's an inside joke and has been evidently been a guest at other weddings before.
Instead of clinking their glasses, guests had to sink a putt to get the couple to kiss.
Some lovely ladies relaxing on the balcony between dinner and dancing.
This little girl was hilarious. She just kept spinning in circles on her belly. Wouldn't it be great to be that easily entertained again? I'm not sure spinning on my belly would work since I'm a little bigger than this girl. Hold on. Let me try.
Well, whaddya know? It works. And it's as much fun as she's making it look. :)
I love these photos of the newlyweds dancing with Anne's parents in the background. So cute.
The rest of the bride's family were dancing on the sidelines.
Gettin' the party started
Dancing with Grandma
Anne with her new sister-in-law and nephews.
This couple was insanely cute, and could seriously cut a rug. They're great dancers.
Anne and friends
Can you spot the mid-air child? Looks like fun, doesn't it?
Another mid-air child having a grand time.
Evidently, this adorable child wasn't going to let a restrictive thing like her dress keep her from dancing. :)
Everyone was having such a great time.
The dancefloor stayed PACKED the entire time I was there. Very impressive.
Anne's mother was a dancing machine. Seriously. That woman's like the Energizer bunny.
We managed to pull her away from the dancing long enough for one last photo.