I'm an aunt!!!
Sloane Christine Reilly
5:38, January 7th, 2009
7lbs, 4oz
20 inches long

Dad re-wrapping the baby burrito.

Meeting her PaPa for the first time. Grandma and grandpa are MiMi and PaPa. I'm not actually sure if both Ms and Ps are capitalized, but you get the idea. :) She wasn't terrified of him...she was recovering from the unwrapping. She calmed down pretty fast.

See? Sleeping just seconds later, after meeting Aunt Katharine. She's already gotten a taste of how she's going to be among the world's most photographed children.

Meeting her MiMi for the first time. She's trying to figure out how to thank her for spoiling her before she was even born. But...it's hard when you can't speak, can only focus on things a couple of inches in front of your face, and have no idea how you were swimming around in the dark one minute and in this incredibly bright place being wrapped up and passed around the next.

Adjusting to new surroundings is exhausting. So is learning all of these names.

The proud dad getting some photos for facebook. :)
Amy looked amazing. The first thing Kevin said when he came out to get us was "Amy's a rockstar." Evidently she was pretty good at the whole "having a baby" thing. :)


This was the delivery room.

This is the room they were moved to a couple hours after Sloane was born. This place is incredibly nice. So are the people. It's the West Allis Women's Pavilion, if you're interested.

This is Sloane after her first bath. Even cuter. Didn't know it was possible.

The adorable new family.
Speaking of family...I took a couple of Sloane's blankets back to their house so Rosy and Reteif could get used to their sister's scent. They were all about it.
But then they seemed to feel a little guilty. Wait. Is it ok that we're really excited about sniffing a blanket? It seems weird, but we can't get enough. That's cool, right?

Rosy likes to be dressed up, so I let her wear them for a little while. They're such cute (and good!) dogs. Sloane is very lucky to have such great siblings waiting for her when she gets home. Reteif has actually been really protective of Amy over the last few months. He seemed to know what was going on, and wouldn't leave her side for a second. Adorable.
That's all for now. I apologize in advance for the number of niece-related blog posts that could be appearing here. I kinda' love her a lot, and I barely know her. Just wait until I've seen her a few more times...